Contract Completion

J P Forrest has recently completed the manufacture and assembly of a new vacuum boom foot fabrication for the Port of Tilbury London.

The contract included dismantling the old cast assembly and reusing some serviceable parts in the new fabricated assembly including the spur ring gear and the rope sheave.

New for 2023

With increased demand for larger parts and very accurately cut thin plate (typically 6mm to 12mm thick) we have recently purchased a new profile cutting machine from Kerf Developments. The machine has two flame cutting torches and one 150 amp high definition plasma cutting torch.

Machine capacity:

Maximum cutting size 7500mm long x 3500mm wide
Cutting thickness High Definition Plasma 3mm to 25mm
Cutting thickness Flame Cutting 10mm to 200mm

New for 2022

With increased demand for turned shafts, cover plates and flanges we have recently purchased a new Hyundai L300LC Slant Bed CNC Lathe from T W Ward.

The machine capacity is:

Swing over bed 750mm diameter
Maximum turning diameter 560mm
Maximum turning length 1320mm

JP Forrest awarded CE Mark

J P Forrest & Son awarded CE certification

Following extensive auditing by BSI we are pleased to announce that J P Forrest & Son is now accredited to BSEN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 for the manufacture (including welding) and installation of structural work in steel up to and including Execution Class 2 (EXC 2) as defined in EN 1090-2.

Our certificate is available to download here and can be authenticated by following the instructions on the certificate itself.

MD Martin Hodgkinson is pictured here with Arthur

Loyal employee retires after more than 20 years’ service

We said goodbye to Arthur Green at the end of January this year as he retired after more than 20 years’ service with the company.

Arthur worked as a plater in the company’s fabrication division and also operated the press brake from time to time. MD Martin Hodgkinson is pictured here with Arthur after presenting him with a retirement gift and card from everyone in the company.   Martin said that Arthur would be missed by all, although the fabrication shop would be a lot quieter without the sound of Arthur’s hammer.